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Young Leaders

Young Leaders

Stomping Grounds Young Leaders are young people aged 12 – 18 who learn Forest School skills and help to deliver our holiday clubs.

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About these sessions

Young Leaders complete a package of training to build skills in communication, leadership, tool use, campfire cooking and facilitating games before helping out in school holidays.

Becoming a Stomping Grounds Young Leader is a fun and rewarding way of building skills and confidence.

Through our tailored training sessions, Young Leaders practice and discuss how to support children to enjoy Forest School safely, and how to support Forest School Leaders to run the best sessions for those attending. You will gain practical skills including fire lighting, cooking, green woodworking and more as well as “soft skills” like team work, leadership, active listening and offering emotional support to children.

Training sessions happen on the Wednesday evening before and after each school holiday, normally 16:30 – 19:30.

Once you’ve completed basic training, Young Leaders can then support our holiday club provision. This is woodland activity days in each school holiday for children aged 5-11, where you’ll do things such as help to lead games, manage the campfire, and support younger children to enjoy themselves. These take place at various locations across the north east.

These volunteering days are generally 9:30 – 14:30, with dates agreed ahead of each holiday. £10.00 per day volunteered is reimbursed to help cover the costs of travel and bringing a packed lunch.

Through the training and volunteering, Young Leaders can gain skills, experience and confidence to help gain future work, or even become a Stomping Grounds Forest School Leader!

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Where are the sessions?

Duke’s Hagg – Young Leader training is delivered here as well as regular holiday clubs.

Leadgate, Benwell, Haltwhistle – we often have opportunities for Young Leaders to volunteer here in school holidays.

“I enjoy being a young leader because in many ways it gives me more independence and it makes me feel good knowing that I’m helping other people.”

Young Leader, 2022

Meet the Young Leaders Team


You can start our Young Leaders training when you turn 12.

No, all of our Young Leaders need to attend our training sessions so that we are sure they have the right skills and knowledge before they take on any volunteering. Our Practitioners will decide at which point they feel you are ready to take on the role. Some young people are ready after 4 sessions, others may take longer.

Young Leaders are not paid for their work, it is a voluntary role. However, we do pay £10 expenses for each day of the holidays worked, to cover things like food, travel and clothing.

We offer Young Leaders sessions fairly and on a rota basis. You will be asked your availability and then we will allocate days fairly between everyone. You might not always get as many days as you would like!

We will ask for parent or guardian account numbers.

Young Leaders will receive a free hoodie to wear during their session. We usually order these every 6 months so you may have to wait a little to get your first one.

When you turn 14, there may be an opportunity to attend the “Level 1 Forest School Assistant” accredited training course at Scotswood Garden.

If you continue to show commitment at Stomping Grounds, there may be an opportunity for you to apply for paid work once you reach 16.

Did you know that one of our Young Leaders got their first full time job with us?!

Further Information

For more information, please contact tom.mower@stomping-grounds.org