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Family Sessions

Family Sessions

We offer a variety of sessions for children to attend with their parents and carers. Some of these are offered on a pay as you feel basis, and are subsidised by our generous funders and donors.

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About these sessions

Our family sessions run during term time and are suitable for children aged 0 – 7 years with a parent or carer. 

Our sessions are 2 hours long, and you can expect a hot drink for the adults, a story, some songs, and nature based activities. There will also be ample opportunity for free play.

Many of our sessions are subsidised by our funders or donors. As a charity we aim to make access to nature as accessible as we can to all families from all backgrounds. Please choose the ticket type that best suits your current financial situation. Usually tickets are available on a sliding scale from free to full price.

Make a booking

“I feel like I bond with him a lot more here than I do at other places.”

Parent at Benwell family session


We offer block bookings as Forest School is a long term process. We are all about building communities and we can’t do that on a drop in basis.

However, if you want to try a session before committing, please email admin@stomping-grounds.org and we’ll organise a taster for you.

Some of our sessions are subsidised which means those that can’t cover the cost can still attend. However, we rely on the contributions of those that can pay to keep running. Our subsidised places are not means tested and rely on your honesty. If you’d like to chat about the cost, or payment options, please do get in touch.

Yes, we offer a 10% sibling and childminder discount, please email admin@stomping-grounds.org.

Further Information

If you have any questions please email admin@stomping-grounds.org